Our Focus – LBFG
Life Brokerage Financial Group (LBFG) was founded by Advisor’s for Advisor’s
Our distribution focus has always been in two separate and distinct areas. Our focuses are “retail” – the Broker Dealer related business and “brokerage” – the Fixed Insurance related business. We are a National Broker’s General Agency representing over 35 insurance carrier’s specializing in traditional Life, Annuity. Long-Term care (LTC) and Disability Income (DI) product lines.
The experience of our executive team, our brokerage director’s, case manager’s, licensing and operation teams is extensive and diverse. As you know, there are many pieces to the financial services business. Whether it’s product design, managing distribution, advanced case design, operations, technology support, and the most important aspect…PRODUCTION. Our management team has the background, experience and understanding you expect to service and grow your practice.
In 2007, Life Brokerage Financial Group (LBFG) was formed to be an innovative financial service and support company. Today LBFG has a National presence with marketing offices in seven states and is headquartered in Clearwater, Florida.
LBFG and it’s practice platforms were designed by Advisor’s for Advisor’s. Our company tag line states the “We are a great business partmer” and we focus on being that each and every day. As the industry changes, so do we. Who do we affiliate or do business with? That’s easy. The advisor trying to provide the right solution for the clients problems and situations.
Our skills have been developed and honed in order to enhance your practice and include professional tools, world-class service, great support and usable systems advisor’s and agent’s need to become effective.
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Gary Richardson
– Registered Representative and Principal, LPL Financial
President and CEO of Life Brokerage Financial Group, Gary Richardson has been involved in many aspects of the financial services business. Gary has produced “Top of the Table” levels of business in the insurance industry, managed multiple millions of dollars of business in the managed asset arena, recruited and managed distribution units for major financial service companies. With the additional management of LBFG, Gary has successfully managed and developed all four areas of our business. (Producer, Corporate Carrier, Corporate Broker Dealer and General Agency)
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Jim Bessell
– Not affiliated with LPL Financial
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Life Brokerage Financial Group Jim Bessell brings to LBFG many years of experience, a basic work ethic and a thought process that benefits LBFG. While Jim is a numbers guy, he also “gets” our business at LBFG. He spent many years with a major financial service company handling much of their accounting, financial, and auditing issues from a managerial level. Jim’s clarity of thought, accuracy of work, and the ability to communicate are indispensable assets to LBFG.
Jason Hunt
– Registered Representative and Principal, LPL Financial
Chief Compliance Officer of Life Brokerage Financial group. Jason has nearly 10 years of experience in the securities industry. He has worked previously for one of the world’s largest asset management groups and one of the nation’s largest independent broker dealers in various sales support and supervisory roles. He has been a part of LBFG since mid-2009. Jason manages the Retail Distribution side of LBFG and our broker/dealer alignment with LPL Financial.
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National Headquarters
Life Brokerage Financial Group’s national headquarters is located in Clearwater Florida. Our other independent marketing offices are located in Seattle, Washington – Riverside, California – Salt Lake City, Utah – New Orleans, Louisiana – Boston, Massachusetts and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.